Seasons, Months and Days

Below is a list of Burushaski words for seasons, months and days in the Hunza dialect. Click on the play button next to the Burushaski word to listen to the audio.

Spring garu [garu]
Summer shini [šini]
Autumn datu [datu]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:
Winter bai [bay]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
January dalo [dalo]
February huut [huut]
March hamal [hamal]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
April saur [sawr]
May jauza [ǰawza]
June sarataan [sarataan]
July asat [asat]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
August sambula [sambula]
September miizaan [miizaan]
October aqrap [aqrap]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
November qaus [qaws]
December jadi [ǰadi]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
Monday tsandura [candura]
Tuesday angaro [aŋaro]
Wednesday bodo [bodo]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
Thursday birespat [birespat]

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Friday shukuro [šukuro]
Saturday shimsher [šimšer]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
Sunday adit [adit]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.