
Below is a list of words for animals; unless otherwise specified, the data are from Hunza Burushaski. Click on the play button next to the Burushaski word to hear the audio [Note: forms in italics are spelt using the proposed Burushaski Roman alphabet; phonetic transcriptions using (modified) IPA are provided within angled brackets “[]”].

English Singular Plural
sheep HB. belis [belis]

YB. beles [beles]
HB. belisho [belišo]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.

YB. belishu [belišu]
monkey shadi [šadi]
Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.

YB. bula
shadimuts [šadimuc]
Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.

YB. bulamo
goat tshiir [cʰiir]

Also tshigir [cʰigir]

YB. tsigir
tshiirisho [cʰiirišo]

Also tshigirisho [cʰigirišo]

YB. tsigira
male goat halden [halden]
Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.

YB. buttar [buṭar]
haldeyo [haldeyo]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.

YB. buttarishu [buṭarišu]
dog huk [huk]

YB. huk
hukai [hukay]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.

YB. huka
female dog gus huk
[gus huk]
gus hukai
[gus hukay]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
male dog hir huk
[hir huk]
hir hukai
[hir hukay]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
puppy huke gukurus
[huke gukurus]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
huke gukurusisho
[huke gukurusišo]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
cat bush [buš]
bushongo [bušoŋo]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
female cat gus bush
[gus buš]
gus bushongo
[gus bušoŋo]
male cat hir bush
[hir buš]
hir bushongo
[hir bušoŋo]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
kitten bushe isko
[buše isko]
bushe iskumuts
[buše iskumuc]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
cow buwa [buwa]
buweynts [buweync]
camel utt [uṭ]
uttaints [uṭaync]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
deer yattal [yaṭal]
yattalisho [yaṭališo]
yew du [du]

YB. du
duwants [duwanc]

YB. duwa
lamb halkaas mamushi
[halkaas mamuši]
halkaas mamushimuts
[halkaas mamušimuc]
ram meenis
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
ox tshiyar [cʰiyar]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
tshiyarisho [cʰiyarišo]
bull tshindar [cʰindar]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
tshindarisho [cʰindarišo]
calf busroosro [buṣooṣo]
busrowants [buṣowanc]
ass  hir zrakun [hir ẓakun]
hir zrakuyo [hir ẓakuyo]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
donkey gus zrakun [gus ẓakun]
gus zrakuyo [gus ẓakuyo]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
elephant hasto [hasto]
hastumuts [hastumuc]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
horse haghur [haɣur]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
haghurisho [haɣurišo]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
rabbit sar [sar]
saro [saro]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
fox  hal [hal]
haljo [halǰo]
yak bepayr [bepaṛ]
bepayr [bepaṛ]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
tiger ta [ta]
tamuts [tamuc]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
lion sheer [šeer]
sheerisho [šeerišo]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.