
Below is a list of words for fruits; unless otherwise specified, the data are from Hunza Burushaski. Click on the play button next to the Burushaski word to hear the audio [Note: forms in italics are spelt using the proposed Burushaski Roman alphabet; phonetic transcriptions using (modified) IPA are provided within angled brackets “[]”].

English Singular Plural
apricot zruu [ẓuu]
zruu [ẓuu]
apple baalt [baalt]
YB. baalht
baalt [baalt]
YB. baalht
watermelon buwar [buwar]
buwar [buwar]
dry fruit ospim miiwa [ospim miiwa]
ospim miiwa [ospim miiwa]
musk melon ghoon [ɣoon]
ghoon [ɣoon]
red peach chugudar [čugudar]
chugudar [čugudar]
white peach luttku chugudar [luṭku čugud̪ar]
luttku chugudar [luṭku čugudar]
banana kiila [kiila]
kiila [kiila]
date qurma [qurma]
qurma [qurma]
pear phesro [pʰeṣo]
phesro [pʰeṣo]
cherry cheeri [čeeri]
cheeri [čeeri]
plum aalubuxaara [aalubuxaara]
aalubuxaara [aalubuxaara]
walnut tili [tili]
tili [tili]
almond badam [badam]
badam [badam]
grapes gheyin [ɣeyin]
gheyin [ɣeyin]
peanuts mumphaliy [mumpʰaliy]
mumphaliy [mumpʰaliy]
dry apricot battering [baṭeriŋ]
battering [baṭeriŋ]
pomegranate bichil [bičil]
bichil [bičil]