Flowers and Herbs

Below is a list of words for flowers and herbs; unless otherwise specified, the data are from Hunza Burushaski. Click on the play button next to the Burushaski word to hear the audio [Note: forms in italics are spelt using the proposed Burushaski Roman alphabet; phonetic transcriptions using (modified) IPA are provided within angled brackets “[]”].

Flowers and Herbs
English Singular Plural
herbal tea tumuro [tumuro]

YB. tumur
tumuro [tumuro]

YB. tumuriŋ
flower asqur [asqur]
asquring [asquriŋ]
sunflower sa asqur [sa asqur]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
sa asquring [sa asquriŋ]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
rose ghulaap [ɣulaap]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
ghulaapiching [ɣulaapičiŋ]
flower lilyoo [lilyoo]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
lilyooming [lilyoomiŋ]
soap grass sabon sriqa [sabon ṣiqa]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
sabon sriqa [sabon ṣiqa]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
juniper gal [gal]
galjong [galǰoŋ]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
incense gulgul [gulgul]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
gulguling [gulguliŋ]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
incense supandur [supandur]
supandurisho [supandurišo]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
herb choottal [čooṭal]
choottalisho [čooṭališo]
herb maadiyan [maadiyan]
maadiyan [maadiyan]
flower bud shuttuko [šuṭuko]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.
shuttukumuts [šuṭukumuc]
Error occurred when trying to fetch the file using wp_safe_remote_get(). A valid URL was not provided.